Myanmar Satellite Images, Before and After Cyclone

NASA has released satellite images of Myanmar taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer before and after Cyclone Nargis made landfall on May 2nd. NASA uses a combination of infrared and visible light to make the impact of the cyclone more readily apparent. According to the agency, runoff is responsible for the turquoise water you […]


NASA has released satellite images of Myanmar taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer before and after Cyclone Nargis made landfall on May 2nd.

NASA uses a combination of infrared and visible light to make the impact of the cyclone more readily apparent. According to the agency, runoff is responsible for the turquoise water you can see in the right corner of the photograph.

Current fatality estimates have risen over 20,000 with 40,000 more people reported missing.

Image: NASA/MODIS Rapid Response Team. Composite by Alexis Madrigal.