Ochre-winged hag moth

Lithacodes fasciola

''Lithacodes fasciola'', the yellow-shouldered slug or ochre-winged hag moth, is a moth of the family Limacodidae.
Ochre-winged hag moth larva Looking for its life like a jelly sweet - this larva is flattened and ovoid in shape. It is a bright lime green with yellow and green stripes along its length.

15 mm length

(Hoping this shot has sufficient detail, it was more an art/edit image, but felt it was worth sharing).  Geotagged,Lepidoptera,Limacodidae,Lithacodes fasciola,Ochre-winged hag moth larva,Summer,United States,Yellow-shouldered slug,arthropod,fauna,insect,invertebrate,pennsylvania


The larva is flattened and ovoid in outline, with a short, squared off "tail". It is a bright yellow green with yellow and green stripes along its length. Small craters dot its topside. Maximum length is 15 mm. Like all limacodids, the legs are shortened and the prolegs are reduced to suction cups. A high proportion of larvae has parasitoids. Their presence can be determined before emergence by a black spot formed by the breathing siphon of the fly.
Lithacodes fasciola Lithacodes fasciola Geotagged,Lithacodes fasciola,Summer,United States


This moth eats a variety of deciduous trees and shrubs, such as apple, beech, birch, blueberry, cherry, chestnut, hickory, honey locust, hornbeam, linden, maple, oak, and willow.


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SpeciesL. fasciola