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A Bushmaster (Lachesis muta) coiled between buttress roots This snake was found at night and caught (carefully!) by four people including myself for photographs the next day. This photo was staged, but in a position and location typical of this species. The snake was returned to its point of capture later in the day. Geotagged,Lachesis muta,Peru,Summer Click/tap to enlarge Species introCountry intro

A Bushmaster (Lachesis muta) coiled between buttress roots

This snake was found at night and caught (carefully!) by four people including myself for photographs the next day. This photo was staged, but in a position and location typical of this species. The snake was returned to its point of capture later in the day.

    comments (4)

  1. Thank you for telling the whole story, John. It is example behavior to include it. And what a beast of a snake! Posted 8 years ago
  2. I am amazed that you were playing around with such a large, venomous animal - they have a fearsome reputation for aggresion and grumpiness! One came into our lodge in Venezuela and I only noticed it when the staff all jumped up and started running around in panic. Despite it being an "Eco-lodge", the staff killed it before I could intervene much to my disgust. HHowever, they all told horrific stories that night around the campfire about them following people in the jungle, etc (probably trying to justify their behaviour). I think that I would have given this fellow a very wide berth! Posted 7 years ago
    1. I was with a group of herp folks who had a lot of experience with handling venomous snakes. Also, the Busmaster's general reputation is somewhat hyped. They are indeed very large and venomous, but they are not particularly aggressive. They actually lean towards the passive, especially compared with other vipers like Fer-de-lances and even common rattlesnakes. But of course we were all extremely careful. Posted 7 years ago
      1. Wow, and to think that all these years I thought that the Bushmaster and Fer-de-lance were the same species. You are right, it is the Fer-de-lance with the really ferocious reputation whereas the rattlesnakes I have encountered in the US Southwest were never aggressive if you left them alone. Posted 7 years ago

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''Lachesis muta'' is a venomous pit viper species found in South America . Two subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.

Similar species: Scaled Reptiles
Species identified by John Sullivan
View John Sullivan's profile

By John Sullivan

All rights reserved
Uploaded Nov 30, 2015. Captured Jan 22, 2013 10:10 in Unnamed Road, Mazán, Peru.
  • PENTAX K-5
  • f/8.0
  • 1/100s
  • ISO400
  • 60mm