FRILLED-NECK LIZARD (Chlamydosaurus kingii) aka Frilled Lizard or Frilled Dragon

  • The frill-necked lizard is so called because of the large ruff of skin which usually lies folded back against its head and neck.
  • The neck frill is supported by long spines of cartilage which are connected to the jaw bones. When the lizard is frightened, it gapes its mouth, the frill flares out as well, often displaying bright orange and red scales. 
  • A lizard found in a dryer, clay filled environment will most likely have a collage of oranges, reds, and browns on their frill; whereas a lizard found in a damper, more tropical region (like the one pictured) will tend to show darker browns and greys. This suggests that the lizards use their habitats for protection in the form of camouflage.
  • The frill often displays to discourage predators or during courtship.
  • When this medium-large lizards eat, they eat in abundance; these binge periods usually occur during the wet season, when the lizards will ingest hundreds to thousands of alates (ants or termites).
  • The frill-necked lizard is found mainly in the northern regions of Australia and southern New Guinea

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fuckyeahlizards: Frilled Lizard