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Nestled in the heart of Somerset East, Eastern Cape, the Walter Battiss Art Museum is a cultural gem that invites visitors to embark on a journey through the life and legacy of the renowned South African artist, Professor Walter Battiss. Despite his passing four decades ago, Battiss’ artistic spirit lives on in the walls of this historic museum, housed in the very building where his creative journey began as a young boy.

About the Museum

Walter Battiss, born in Somerset East, moved to the Free State at the age of eleven, marking the beginning of a lifelong connection with the art world. The museum, inaugurated in 1981, boasts a diverse collection of over 70 of Battiss’ original works, including oils, watercolors, and silkscreen prints. Beyond the canvases, the museum holds a treasure trove of Battiss family items, letters, furniture, and Fook Island memorabilia, offering an intimate glimpse into the artist’s personal and creative life.

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The museum is administered by the Walter Battiss Foundation, a non-profit organization dependent on donations and gate takings, the museum stands as a testament to Battiss’ impact on South African art. It is open on weekdays from 10:00 to 14:00, with arrangements for visits possible at other times.

Interesting Facts

  • Rock Art Exploration: Battiss’ fascination with rock art began in his childhood, evolving into a lifelong passion. The museum showcases his early encounters with petroglyphs and cave paintings, serving as a foundation for his expansive body of work.
  • Global Watercolor Legacy: Revered as the best South African watercolor artist, one entire room is dedicated to Battiss’ luminous watercolors painted across the globe. Visitors, whether ardent Battiss fans or newcomers, are enthralled, challenged, and entertained by the vibrant array of colors that define his distinct style.
  • Fook Island Fantasy: Immerse yourself in the fantastical world of Fook Island through a captivating DVD where Battiss himself talks about his life, art, and introduces the whimsical realm that inspired much of his imaginative work.

Photo Gallery

Physical Location

Tourist Experiences

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The Walter Battiss Art Museum stands as a living testament to the enduring legacy of Professor Walter Battiss. As visitors explore the halls adorned with his masterpieces, they not only witness the evolution of a visionary artist but also contribute to the preservation of South Africa's artistic heritage. The museum is not merely a collection of artworks; it's a gateway to understanding the man behind the brush strokes, his inspirations, and the fantastical worlds he created. In the heart of Somerset East, the Walter Battiss Art Museum beckons, inviting all to share in the magic of creativity that transcends time.