Printable Christmas Tree Decoration

As a part of last year’s blogmas I made a couple of printables, and I wanted to do the same this year with something new and improved. I had a think about what I would want to print and make, and there was one idea that stuck out a mini- tree! I wanted something I could have to spruce up my desk at work, that I could easily move around, because I’m in a hot-desking office – so I needed to create something foldable, robust, and good enough that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to have it sat out for everyone to see.

So, that’s what I’m sharing with you here, a printable tree that’s easy to construct, simple enough for grown-ups and children alike, and is perfect to sit on your desk or mantelpiece. It’s made of just three pieces so you can quickly take it up and down. 

The tree is blank for you to colour in however you like, in case you want to create your own design or just need an excuse to sit and colour in – at this time of year I know I’m always game for a bit of quiet me time. I’ve added a little bit of extra gold sparkle on my version, because that seems to be a recurring theme in my festive designs this year.

So, how can you put together your own baby paper tree?

  1. Print out the 2 copies of the pdf, it works best on card if you have some
  2. Colour all 4 trees in
  3. Cut out the shapes along the grey lines this is probably easier with a craft knife but scissors work too
  4. Glue the two trees from each page together back to back, so you have a double sided tree
  5. Slot the tree shapes together
  6. Display your tree wherever you like and wait for the compliments to roll in

Download and print your tree!


If you make one of these, please do let me know by leaving a comment, or, even better, sharing a picture with me on Instagram or Twitter because I’d love to see them in the wild!
