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Sperm Whale

Physeter Macrocephalus

The deepest diver of all whales – The Sperm Whale

Sperm whales are the largest thoothed cetacean and the largest toothed predator that roams the Ocean. Reaching unto  67 feet long and weighing unto 56 tons these whales inspired American writer Herman Melville in 1851 to write his novel Moby Dick.

They only have one blowhole and a brain that weighs close to 20 pounds. This is the largest brain of any animal on Earth. The flippers of the Sperm Whale are extremely large. They get their name from the fact that they produce Spermaceti Oil. This is produced in their heads. 

Theses pelagic mammals are often spotted fare out at sea and are the deepest diving marine mammal to human knowledge.  Baja’s deep Ocean landscape makes the sea of cortes a perfect location for their seasonal  spotting.

They are the deepest marine mammal and the Baja’s deep Ocean landscapes offer them a large field to explore the depths in search of deep-living pray.

If you’re eager to witness whales in their natural habitat, join us and explore our captivating whale watching tours in San Jose del Cabo • Los Cabos • Mexico • B.C.S.

Sperm Whale Information

San Jose del Cabo • Los Cabos • Mexico


Easily Identifiable Sperm Whales: Unique Head & Features
Sperm whales stand out with their distinctive, oversized head, housing a single blowhole on the right side, setting them apart from other Odontoceti whales. Their snout is blunt, and their lower jaw appears small when closed, housing teeth that interlock with the upper jaw. Their wrinkled, prune-like skin is mainly brownish with lighter patches near the mouth. These whales sport a rounded hump two-thirds down their body, followed by knuckles, similar to grey whales. Their broad, triangular fluke has a uniform color above and below, and their pectoral fins are short. Males are larger than females, unlike baleen whales.

Spanish name:

  • Cachalote
Maximum length:
  • Male: 18.3m
  • Female: 12m
  • Calf: 3.5m
Maximum weight:
  • Male: 57,000kg
  • Female: Unknown
  • Calf: Unknown
  • Squid
Estimated population: 100,000


Female Sperm Whales only have offspring every 5 years so with low numbers of them it is hard for them to increase. Other females will assist with the birth which is quite fascinating for animals to be a part of. These calves drink milk for up to two years which is twice as long as other baby whales.


Population & Migration

Sperm whales live in every Ocean around the world but stay away from extremely cold waters near the polar ice in the north  and the south. Sperm whales are know to prefer deep water around Ocean trenches, where strong currents flow in opposite directions bringing concentrated nutrients to the area, which attracts large creatures sperm whales can feed on. Although Sperm whales generally move in herds, females form matriarchal pods and males form bachelor herds . Females and young stay closer to temperate and tropical waters within 45-55 latitude, but males will travel into more temperate waters. Both male and female Sperm whale prefer deep waters and are not often spotted by the coast lines.

Mating occurs in spring and in summer, males may battle for hards of females. Females will give birth to single calf and will generally nurse for 2 years, but cases of intermittently nursing  for unto 8 years has been reported! Female’s gestation period is around 14-16 months and they will give birth very 3 to 5 years. Males will leave the matriarchal pod and form bachelor herds when they are able to compete in mating, at about 20 years old. Adult males lead solitary lives except for during the breeding season.

Sperm whales were seriously Hunted for the substance in their head spermaceti organ filled with a wax substance that powered candles and street lights for centuries. Their overhunting and slow reproduction cycle damaged the population that are still trying to recover.


Like All odenticeties live in herd or pod, mainly due to the fact they have to use team work to hunt and feed, as they feed on large creatures such as giant squid., sharks or big rays. Sperm whales find their food in deep water and in Ocean trenches, and are the deepest diving whale that exist in the ocean, they can dive to under ??? And their respiratory system is especially designed to take the pressure as well has their heads are a generously buoyancy device.

Not only can they dive they can also breach out of the water, although this behaviors is more observed in juveniles and females when in matting rituals.

Sperm whales use echolocation to communicate with each other and also to hunt. They have poor visibility due to their very small eyes but can bounce echos of objects to detect.
