Chinchilla Persian Origins

Chinchilla Persian cats are well known for their long, luxurious coats and “peke-faced” look. The original Chinchilla Persians got their name for their similarity between their coats and those of rodent Chinchillas. Many of these felines have white fur, tipped with black along the face, legs, back and ears. Additionally, there are also pure white and golden varieties.

Apollo is our Active Registered Silver tipped Chinchilla Persian boy

Chinchilla Persians stand out for their stunning emerald eye color, which starts off as blue in kittens. They have slightly longer noses than other Persians. Resulting in reduced health concerns like eye tearing and breathing problems. We currently have 3 Active Registered Chinchilla Persians

The Persian cat breed was first recorded in Persia. Then imported throughout Europe as soon as people saw the unique breed. The cats rose to fame in Victorian England, where they appeared in the country’s first cat shows. A cat named Chinnie became the recognized Silver Persian in 1882. While Chinnie did not have the clear, desirable coloring that Chinchilla Persian’s have today, this variation and its signature coat developed over time. Getting official recognition from the Cat Fancier Association in 1894.

Chinchilla Persian cats are gentle, quiet and affectionate felines. They can become attached to their owners quickly, enjoying quality lap time and plenty of petting. Their personality is relatively unadventurous so they prefer to stay inside. For them a nice warm lap on a sofa is the place to be. It is best for these cats to be in a households with less activity.

Chinchilla Persians can get along with children and other cats as long as both treat them with respect and kindness.

Chinchilla Persians require a lot of grooming to keep their coats in the best condition. I use 2 different types of brushes, 1 rake comb for deep fur brushing and fur conditioner.