What is humidifying? 7 Tips for humidifying a room naturally

Sore throat, dry eyes, skin irritation? The air in your home could be too dry. Correct it with our guide to natural humidifiers.

Updated 28 September 2023


Author By Cleanipedia Team

Reading Time 5 minutes

a light green humidifier in front of a window with plants In the home

3 simple steps to humidify your home naturally

  1. 1

    Identify which rooms need humidifying.

  2. 2

    Try adding plants, placing bowls of water by the radiator, spraying water in the air, and even letting clothes dry indoors to add moisture to the air.

  3. 3

    Monitor results and repeat as necessary. Work slowly - you don't want to create damp!

It's crucial to keep your room humid if you want to avoid allergies, eye irritations, and other issues caused by dry air. However, air humidifiers can be expensive to run. Luckily, there are ways to humidify a house without investing in one. Try our best methods for how to humidify your home naturally. 

Be sure not to over humidify your home and create damp. Use a strong antibacterial cleaner like Domestos to prevent it building up in your home.

How to humidify a room naturally: 7 easy options

Not surre how to humidify a room quickly without buying a big, expensive machine? Try one of our 7 alternatives:

  1. 1

    Get some indoor plants. They are great natural humidifiers and look great.

  2. 2

    Spray water in the air when it feels particularly dry. This will help you feel refreshed.

  3. 3

    Leave a bowl of water by the radiators to evaporate into the air when they're in use. Perfect for winter.

  4. 4

    Hang your clothes to dry indoors. This will add moisture to the air and also helps save energy since you’re not using a dryer.

  5. 5

    Boil a kettle in the room to produce steam. What better excuse to have a hot drink?

  6. 6

    Leave the door open when having a shower to let the shower steam spread. throughout your home.

  7. 7

    Try an indoor water feature. It will look beautiful, add an interesting focal point, and help humidify the air.

There are lots of natural ways to humidify a house. We suggest trying a few different methods to see which suits you first. If you’re not getting any improvement, consider taking bigger actions like buying more plants or leaving larger bowls of water around the room.

What is humidifying and why is it important?

Whether you want to humidify your air or not is a personal choice but some people find that in very dry climates the air can cause all anything from sore throats to skin irritation and problems with contact-lenses. As well as our natural methods above, you can also buy humidifer machines.

Safety Warning

While humidifying air can make a real difference, be sure that there is adequate ventilation in your home first to prevent the build-up of damp as this can cause coughs and other health problems. Try our tips on how to get rid of mould if the worst does happen.    

What is a humidifier & What does a humidifier do?

When people talk about humidifiers they tend to mean the machines which are used to add water to the air but anything that causes this effect can be descrbied as a humidifier - not just machines. Their main purpose is to add moisture to the air in a home or maintain a certain mositure level.

humidifier in the bedroom

Health benefits of humidifiers

One of the most significant advantages of using a humidifier is that it can alleviate dry skin and relieve symptoms associated with respiratory issues, such as asthma and allergies. Humidifiers can also help to prevent nasal congestion, sore throats, and other symptoms of the common cold or flu. Moreover, using a humidifier can improve the quality of sleep by reducing snoring and other sleep-related issues. Additionally, humidifiers can help to keep the mucous membranes in the nasal passages moist, which makes it easier for the body to fight off infections. Overall, humidifiers are an excellent way to promote good health and well-being, especially during the dry winter months.

Humidifier maintenance

Humidifier maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance and promote a healthy indoor environment. Regular cleaning is crucial to prevent the buildup of mold, bacteria, and mineral deposits. Start by following the manufacturer's instructions for disassembling and cleaning the humidifier components. Clean or replace the filter regularly to maintain proper functionality. Use distilled or demineralized water to minimize mineral buildup. Empty and dry the water tank daily to prevent stagnant water and potential bacterial growth. Additionally, periodic deep cleaning, using vinegar or hydrogen peroxide solutions, helps eliminate stubborn residue. By prioritizing humidifier maintenance, you can enjoy clean and efficient humidification in your home or office. With these tips you should hopefully start to notice the difference in your home - and maybe even your skin and health. Humidity can be crucial to getting the atmosphere in your home right so don’t stop until you find the solution that works for you.


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