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Zac Efron Is Going Viral For His New Haircut, Which I'm Praying Is Just A Wig

Wig or not a wig, that is the question.

Zac Efron has had quite the hair evolution.

He had that whole wistful Jonas Brothers thing going on for a while.

He had the "every 14-year-old in suburbia" cut for a bit.

There was the time he went blonde.

And then there's his wax figure, who apparently got in a fight with a weedwhacker.

But usually, his hair looks something like this:

Zac with a clean-cut coiff

But now Zac is going viral because his hair looks more like this:

Lord Farquaad who rocks a bob-like hairstyle that's parted down the middle

Like, really, he looks like Lord Farquaad.

Lord Farquaad in bed enjoying a martini

It all started with this tweet:

guys i’m screaming wtf is this hair cut on zac efron omg

MEGA/ Twitter: @wrkhs

The picture caused somewhat of an uproar.

Someone needs to explain to me what's going on with Zac Efron's hair

Twitter: @PapaCobo

But the overwhelming sentiment is that Zac is in his Lord Farquaad era.

MEGA/Twitter: @CharlotteWatton

He really looks just like him.


MEGA/ Twitter: @keelylynnm

Like, kinda dead on.

MEGA/ Pixar/ Twitter: @ariananutella

But, also, people are kind of loving it?!

Kinda loving Zac Efron's Lord Farquad cut

MEGA/ Twitter: @manicpandaa

Because yep, honestly, still hot.

Twitter: @nylcromancer

For those wondering, yes, duh, it's obviously for a movie role.

Zac is playing famous wrestler Kevin Von Erich.

Kevin shirtless in the wrestling ring

The hair, um, kind of matches up?

Either way, this is a movie I will definitely be seeing. Zac is definitely turning some looks!