Taxon profile


Snouted Cobra
Naja annulifera Peters, 1854

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Chordata - chordates »  order Squamata - lizards and snakes »  family Elapidae »  genus Naja - Common Cobras

Scientific synonyms

Naja haje var. annulifera
Naja haje annulifera

Other names

= Banded Cobra

Least Concern LC


Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

Author: Pavel Zuber

Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

Author: Pavel Zuber

Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

Author: Pavel Zuber

Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

Author: Klaus Rudloff

Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

Author: Jo Kuyken

Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

Author: B. Kao

Naja annulifera - Snouted Cobra

Author: Rainer Traxl

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete


Links and literature

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