Tiger Shovelnose Catfish, the fish with the Big Mouth.

FISHSURFING Travel Inspiration
2 min readJan 9, 2020

Thrilling article today, let’s dig in and learn the facts and stay positive always.

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(1)Tiger Shovelnose Catfish typically prefer inhabiting major rivers flooded forests, lakes and other freshwater habitats.

(2)It possesses a unique brown-olive color, with white and a few dark spots.

(3)Their bold stripes come with a very unique marked color pattern.

(4)Their flat head makes them easily distinguished among other fishes.

(5)They have very small eyes and sharp teeth. They have an aggressive a nature and tend to harm other smaller fishes.

(6)They possess long whiskers used for sensing prey in muddy waters. They are very active during the night and prefer hunting during that period.

(7)Their large mouths can eat small fish unsuspecting prey easily.

(8)They are very skilled hunters principally being carnivores they are known to feed on other fishes like electric knife fish’s crayfish and shrimps.

(9)They mostly prefer breeding in lakes and rivers.

(10)They can live for more than 6 years in the wild.

(11)The Tiger Shovelnose length ranges from 30 to 60 cm.

(12)They weigh an average of 70 kg.



FISHSURFING Travel Inspiration

A blog dedicated with sharing my knowledge of fishes i have encounter in my fishing life with the rest of the world